What Would Winning the Lottery Mean

What would getting a large sum of money mean to a lot of us. I mean a substantial amount. Enough to buy the house you want, have side income of investments. Maybe quit your job and travel. It is enough of a dream for many that there is no shortage of people willing to put money down on an ever so slim chance to win the lotto. It has me often thinking what it would mean to me to be given millions of dollars. The reason why is if I can perhaps do something much more within my control that could give me similar positive effects in my life. I of course am referring to improving my health and fitness.
The Scenario
Here is a thought experiment I sometimes play while on a walk. What would you do if somehow you were offered 5 million dollars. But here is the catch. You get this 5 million in 16 months if you meet several conditions. They are not awful conditions, maybe even ones that have added benefits. For one, you have to give up your favourite TV shows. You can watch a little TV on the weekends, you can watch educational TV but there is no sitcoms you can now watch during the week. At first this might be difficult, but maybe over time you find you no longer miss those favourite shows. You even find you spend that time doing more rewarding and productive things. Second, you have to get up early 4 days a week and clean your home for 45 minutes. Maybe this is a boring, somewhat monotonous task. But maybe after time you start to enjoy the routine. You start to spend the time reflecting and thinking more. And the consequence is you have a more organised, clean and healthy place to live. In 16 months you do that and you get a cheque for 5 million dollars. I would suspect not many people would pass up on that deal.
The Real Scenario
Ok so unless you find a magic Genie or a crazy eccentric billionaire that scenario is unlikely. But if instead of giving up TV you had to give up junk food instead. The same scenario may play out where at first it was a chore but perhaps not something you end up missing. Maybe healthy eating provides many unforeseen benefits like saving money, or less stress. Instead of cleaning you exercise, again perhaps a boring prospect but one that over time becomes something enjoyable. Maybe something you even look forward to. But at the end in this real scenario you do not get 5 million dollars, so what is your reward.
The Prize
In this thought experiment I take all those things having millions of dollars could bring, and compare them to living the healthy life I have wanted. They are not so different really. Being fit and healthy can mean freedom for me, freedom to travel more. To have more security in my life and to have more enjoyments in my days. It means substantially less stress and worry as well as opening my life up to many more experiences. These benefits are so similar to the benefits of say winning the lottery that I honestly would not know which prize I would accept. To become immensely wealthy or completely fit and healthy. The main difference is that I have no magic cheque coming. But if I do exercise and eat healthy, I can achieve the latter. It is something absolutely in my control and can happen.
Just my Thoughts
As I said this is just a thought experiment I like to think about. I like to try to put things in context sometimes. It seems people would go to great lengths to achieve some goals yet health and fitness is not always a part of that. Even in that health and fitness means the most to people, and most importantly is the most achievable. It somehow seems just as impossible to happen in our minds as wining the lottery. I know more than most that the battle of an unhealthy lifestyle is substantial. I have written about it in this blog many times. The depression, the anxiety, the self medication of food. But I think it is important to always remember, it can be done. The path is right there to take. It is one foot in front of the other (sometimes literally) and the reward at the end is also very real and very substantial.
This is really good. Gives a lot to think about