Week 4.5 Progress Update- The Hill

Total weight loss to date 21lbs
Tonight’s walk saw even more results than expected. This evening I added and extra block to my walk yet again. I have begun to notice not just a small but dramatic difference in how I feel and how I can move. I am walking faster and most importantly my back pain is at an all time low.
The Hill
The extra block I added to my walk tonight takes me down a street past the initial two alleys I start on. This street goes up a gentle incline that was not remotely an issue to walk up. But to connect up to the street above to loop back would now require going up another hill of significant incline. Normally a hill like this would cause me considerable back pain and I would be completely out of breath. I figured I would give it a try as I could always cut my walk short on the way back if my back was in too much pain. To my surprise and relief I managed the hill with relative ease. I was also was able to continue on to finish my full walk without any problems. In fact my back has never felt so good walking. I cannot emphasize how encouraged I am at this point just being able to move so much more freely.
Start of Hill Just about to the top with no problem