New Year New Start

Happy New Year! Ok maybe that is a little late now, but anytime in January still counts I think. This past year has been so full of ups and downs. I am really looking forward to a fresh start.
Using New Year as a Launch Point
Some people don’t like the idea of using the New Year as a fresh start. Their argument is that when one does the whole “resolutions” thing it prevents them from acting in the moment before hand. I do kind of agree with this. I do not ever want to postpone making a good life change with the mindset I plan to do it down the road anyways. In my opinion this is a mechanism you can use to procrastinate and in that regard is not healthy. But there is that feeling of a new year that I do enjoy. The days start to get longer, and I start to plan for the warmer weather that is not so far off the horizon now. It feels like it is time to re-valuate many things and make new strategies and plans.
My Progress
My progress has been pretty stagnant to be honest. The good new is I have not gained back any significant weight. They bad new is I have not made a lot more progress either. My stumbling block has been my evening eating. For most of the day I eat a healthy balanced diet. My dinner is normally a healthy balanced meal. The evenings are where I let things slip and I am not sure why at the moment. It is almost as if a switch goes off at that time and I suddenly do not care as much. It is my primary goal to overcome this at the moment.
Summer and the Next Stage
I am trying not to worry so much about my progress and just take things as they come. However I really can’t shake the feeling that I do not want to go through another summer uncomfortable because of my weight. I have certainly made progress, but losing the next 40lbs would make such a difference. It is possible to do so if I focus now, but I need to focus up and in a hurry for it to happen. I am not sure if that is a good mindset. Maybe it is, maybe having some worry is going to be the motivation to move me to the next step. Maybe it is good to focus on the positives, but also the negatives in balance. Yes it is good I lost 40lbs, it is good I have more or less kept it off over the holidays. But if I do not continue with how hard I have worked, then next step and probably the one that will make the biggest impact for me wont happen. Maybe that’s the kick I need.
This year has not started out the best in some aspects for me, but in others it has be rather positive. But I am going to stay optimistic about everything. Maybe this is the year of balance for me. To weigh to the good and the bad. To look at the glass as half full but also acknowledge the potential bad if I fail to act. Maybe too far one way or the other is not the ideal. 2020, two, zero, two, zero, in balance…. I think it is how I will view it. Happy New Year to everyone!