Healthy Tomorrow Starts Today! My Weight Loss Journey

Weight Loss

Weight Loss Update and Growing Food

Weight Loss Update and Growing Food

Progress to date has been going very well. I have so far this year lost just shy of 50lbs. To be exact 48.3 lbs as I am writing this. What I like about this number is that is it relates to the 45lb Olympic plates […]

The functionality of strength

The functionality of strength

I have been strong since I can remember. I first began to really notice it in elementary school. I remember being able to beat my fellow students in arm wrestling with ease, and having to be careful roughhousing not to send someone flying. This despite […]

Progress and thoughts on sustainability

Progress and thoughts on sustainability

So far 2021 has been gong very well in regards to my health. I am currently at -34lbs and I am noticing a dramatic difference. This go around I feel like I am making better progress in regards to every aspect of this process. My […]

New plan for a New year… Kind of

New plan for a New year… Kind of

I am just short of two weeks into a new attempt at becoming healthy and losing weight. I have been trying off and on for some time, without much success. But recently I have made some large changes that seem to have kick started some […]

Self reflection and my takeaway from Watching My 600lb Life

Self reflection and my takeaway from Watching My 600lb Life

One thing about this blog that I think provides value for myself is that it forces me to think and re-think ideas around my health. This is something I have been doing a lot over the past few months in an attempt to understand my […]

Bye Bye 2020 Lets Try This Again

Bye Bye 2020 Lets Try This Again

It is not lost on me in any way that my last post was New Years 2020. A lot has happened since that post, some good, some bad, and some just the craziness that was 2020. I have been debating starting this blog again. Several […]

New Year New Start

New Year New Start

Happy New Year! Ok maybe that is a little late now, but anytime in January still counts I think. This past year has been so full of ups and downs. I am really looking forward to a fresh start. Using New Year as a Launch […]

Keeping Motivated

Keeping Motivated

This time of year is tough for me to stay motivated, here are five things I do to help stay on track. Start the Day as Healthy as Possible Starting my day with a healthy smoothie and exercise really helps keep up the enthusiasm. When […]

Car Wash Day

Car Wash Day

I take a lot of pride and joy in my truck. Some people think it is a bit overboard but pride of ownership is something I have always had. It was a big deal for me to be able to buy a new vehicle. With […]

Hard Time of Year to Lose Weight

Hard Time of Year to Lose Weight

With my 38th birthday come and gone I feel very optimistic about my progress. I achieved losing over 40 lbs by that time. I am walking from 1 block when I started to 4-5km almost every day now. Many aspects of my life are seeing […]