Healthy Tomorrow Starts Today! My Weight Loss Journey

My Food Choices

Weight Loss Update and Growing Food

Weight Loss Update and Growing Food

Progress to date has been going very well. I have so far this year lost just shy of 50lbs. To be exact 48.3 lbs as I am writing this. What I like about this number is that is it relates to the 45lb Olympic plates […]

New plan for a New year… Kind of

New plan for a New year… Kind of

I am just short of two weeks into a new attempt at becoming healthy and losing weight. I have been trying off and on for some time, without much success. But recently I have made some large changes that seem to have kick started some […]

Self reflection and my takeaway from Watching My 600lb Life

Self reflection and my takeaway from Watching My 600lb Life

One thing about this blog that I think provides value for myself is that it forces me to think and re-think ideas around my health. This is something I have been doing a lot over the past few months in an attempt to understand my […]

My food Choices – Blueberries.

My food Choices – Blueberries.

In my food choices for my lifestyle menu I decided to add blueberries as a staple part of my quest for a healthy regime. Blueberries are widely regarded for both their health benefits as well as being relatively low in calories. In this series I […]