Healthy Tomorrow Starts Today! My Weight Loss Journey


Getting Stronger – Less Stress

Getting Stronger – Less Stress

Weight loss to Date -32.8lbs Today I feel very strong, not just physically but in many aspects. I am learning the strength you gain when you convert your lifestyle is not just the weight you can lift. The lifestyle change strengthens your ability to withstand […]

Update Week 7- Walking Faster Every Day

Update Week 7- Walking Faster Every Day

Weight loss to date -30.2lbs Trying to quantify how much better I feel on week seven is hard to do. Not because it is hard to find what is improving, but so many things are improving at once. I am now noticing a difference and […]

Reassessing the Reason to Eat

Reassessing the Reason to Eat

Weight loss to date 29.8lbs As I am progressing through this weight loss and lifestyle change I am constantly reassessing things. My activity, my eating, my reasons for doing this. It seems like each day my activity increases and my ideas around food seem to […]

Heavy Bag Workout -Rainy Day Motivation

Heavy Bag Workout -Rainy Day Motivation

Weight loss today 24.2lbs Every day I feel more motivated to do more and today is no exception. This day has been very rainy and wet, we even had a weather warning regarding the rainfall. However I was sitting on the sofa in the morning […]

Week 5 Update -First Walk Over 3km

Week 5 Update -First Walk Over 3km

Weight loss to date 21.4lbs I first talked about walking at the Spit in my Week 3 update. It is a great place to walk due to its many benches and wonderful scenery. Today was definitely a new millstone in my walking and mobility as […]

Week 4.5 Progress Update- The Hill

Week 4.5 Progress Update- The Hill

Total weight loss to date 21lbs Tonight’s walk saw even more results than expected. This evening I added and extra block to my walk yet again. I have begun to notice not just a small but dramatic difference in how I feel and how I […]

1 Month Weight Loss Update – Being Able to Mow the Lawn Again

1 Month Weight Loss Update – Being Able to Mow the Lawn Again

Total weight loss to date 18.4lbs Today it has been exactly 1 month since I started a new lifestyle of healthy eating and more activity. I am just shy of 20lbs and the difference is really remarkable. Sometimes the idea of 20lbs of weight seems […]

Week 3-4 Progress Update

Week 3-4 Progress Update

Total weight loss to date 17.8lbs Everyday seem like there are positive changes now. While it can certainly seem like a daunting process to lose the weight I have set for myself as a goal, little victories seem to be coming more often which is […]

Week 3 Progress – Journey to Lose Weight

Week 3 Progress – Journey to Lose Weight

Today I felt good and I decided to try to be a bit more ambitious with my physical activity level. Currently I am down around 14lbs and I do certainly notice the difference in how I feel. I am not sure if that is due […]

The Pain Barrier to Weight Loss

The Pain Barrier to Weight Loss

One of the many challenges to losing weight that I think is often misunderstood is the physical pain that can be impeding a persons success, especially at the start. I am speaking of pain that can be chronic or aggravated by activity that is caused […]