Reason I Made this Site for Me
Spring time and the sun starts shining, the birds are chirping, and I am having a hard time walking to my mailbox. It is a hard thing to deal with having self inflected mobility issues. My back was in constant pain if a stood too long. I was well over 100lbs overweight, and being in my late 30s health consequences were on the horizon. It was time for a change for the future, a healthy tomorrow today.
I decided to create this blog for myself as much as for anyone interested. At first as I began to work on my weight loss I strongly debated if I was even going to tell anyone about my attempt, having failed so many times before. However instead of retracting from being open about it I decided to step forward even more. I decided to try something completely new so I began this website.
My rational for creating this website was to give myself a tool to construct something to focus my efforts. It is not just a record of what I am doing but a quantitative picture of all my successes and failures along the way. Understanding what works and what doesn’t in a literal representation has so far helped me focus and be more enthusiastic then any other attempt. I thought that even if no one reads this, it at very least is a valuable endeavor if it helps me reach my goals.
To Inspire Others
If this blog’s basic function is to aid my own success in my weight loss it’s other potential is to inspire others to try the same. I do not intend to tell people any weight loss diets or perfect exercises they must do. It is just to show what I am doing, how I am doing it and maybe give you some ideas to try. If you end up finding any of my posts valuable than it becomes a serious bonus doing this. The weight loss blog, vlog, podcast areas are certainly saturated to be sure. But with the reason for this blog about helping myself foremost, there is literally no downside to trying.
My Health Education
Along with trying to live a more healthy and mobile life, I do have a passion for fitness and exercise. This passion has long been dormant since I have added so much extra weight to myself. But years ago I did attend a Kinesiology program for several years and obtained a certificate in Kinesiology from it. I do have a reasonable background in understanding fitness and nutrition, so some of what I write may be valuable to those interested in those topics.
My Relationship with Strength
Along with having an interest in fitness and nutrition I also have has a long standing interest in strength. I have even competed in Powerlifting Bench Press competition back in 2009 coming in overall 1st place. I also have enjoyed training in strongman exercises. I have spent much of my life from age of 12 lifting weights.

Thank You for Reading
Just a note to say thank you to anyone reading this. It really makes me happy to hear of people who find value or inspiration in what I am writing.